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Prenatal & Postnatal Physiotherapy

Prenatal and postnatal physiotherapy

Human Care Physio Clinic, your trusted destination for Prenatal and Postnatal Physiotherapy. Our specialized physiotherapists understand the unique needs of expectant and new mothers, offering tailored treatments to support you through every stage of your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

During pregnancy, we focus on relieving discomfort, improving posture and preparing your body for childbirth. After delivery, our gentle and effective therapies help restore strength, mobility and pelvic floor function, aiding in recovery and promoting optimal well-being for both you and your baby.

Trust us to provide compassionate care and expert guidance as you navigate this transformative time in your life.

Questions ? You're Covered

Yes, prenatal physiotherapy is safe and beneficial during pregnancy. Our specialized physiotherapists use gentle and effective techniques to address common discomforts, improve posture, and prepare your body for childbirth.

You can start prenatal physiotherapy at any stage of your pregnancy. It’s best to begin as early as possible to maximize the benefits and address any discomforts or concerns you may have.

Absolutely, postnatal physiotherapy is designed to aid in your recovery after childbirth. Our therapies focus on restoring strength, mobility, and pelvic floor function, helping you regain your pre-pregnancy fitness and well-being.

You can start postnatal physiotherapy as soon as you feel comfortable, usually around six weeks after vaginal delivery or eight weeks after caesarean section. Our physiotherapists will tailor the treatment to your individual needs and recovery progress.

During a session, you can expect a thorough assessment of your needs and concerns, followed by targeted treatments such as exercises, manual therapy, and education on posture, pelvic floor health, and safe exercises. Our goal is to support you through every stage of your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Maintaining Your Quality of Life

  • No Appointments – Walk-Ins Welcome
  • Flexible Morning & Evening Sessions
  • Quality Care by Licensed Professionals
  • Personalised Treatment Plans
  • Modern Equipment For Quick Recovery
  • Holistic Approach for Long-Term Health