Lodaer Img

Wrist, Finger And Thumb Conditions

Wrist, Finger And Thumb Conditions

Wrist, Finger And Thumb Conditions

Wrist, finger, and thumb conditions like De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, trigger finger/thumb, fractures, ganglion cysts, carpal tunnel syndrome, and wrist drop can significantly impact daily activities. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in managing these conditions, focusing on pain relief, restoring function, and improving strength and mobility to enhance quality of life.
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis (DQ):
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis can cause pain and swelling in the wrist and thumb, making simple tasks challenging. Our specialized physiotherapy treatments at Human Care Physio aim to reduce inflammation, improve thumb mobility, and strengthen the affected muscles, helping you regain comfort and function.
Trigger Finger/Thumb:
Trigger finger/thumb can cause finger or thumb stiffness and clicking sensations, affecting everyday tasks. At Human Care Physio, our tailored therapy programs focus on relieving pain, restoring finger mobility, and improving hand function through exercises, manual therapy, and ergonomic advice, ensuring a smooth recovery.
Fractures in the wrist, fingers, or thumb require careful rehabilitation. Our experienced therapists at Human Care Physio create personalized treatment plans to promote bone healing, restore range of motion, and strengthen surrounding muscles, facilitating a smooth recovery and return to daily activities.
Ganglion Cysts:
Ganglion cysts in the wrist or fingers can cause discomfort and limit movement. Our skilled therapists at Human Care Physio provide targeted treatments to alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and improve joint mobility through manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities, helping you find relief and restore function.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the wrist and hand. Our specialized physiotherapy interventions at Human Care Physio focus on reducing pressure on the median nerve, improving wrist posture, and strengthening surrounding muscles to alleviate symptoms and enhance hand function.
Wrist Drop:
Wrist drop, or radial nerve palsy, can lead to weakness and difficulty in extending the wrist and fingers. Our comprehensive rehabilitation programs at Human Care Physio target muscle strengthening, nerve gliding exercises, and functional training to improve wrist and finger extension, restoring mobility and function to the affected limb.