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Thoracic Spine Conditions

Thoracic Spine Conditions

Thoracic Spine Conditions

Thoracic spine conditions like thoracic outlet syndrome, injuries, scapular dysfunction, costochondritis, and muscle injuries can cause pain and discomfort in the mid-back region. Physiotherapy is essential for managing these conditions, focusing on pain relief, improving mobility, and restoring function to enhance overall thoracic spine health.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:
Thoracic outlet syndrome can lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and hands. At Human Care Physio, our specialized treatments target nerve compression, improve posture, and strengthen surrounding muscles through manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and ergonomic advice, helping you find relief and restore function.
Thoracic Spine Injuries:
Injuries to the thoracic spine can cause pain and stiffness in the mid-back region. Our experienced therapists at Human Care Physio create personalized treatment plans to promote healing, restore mobility, and strengthen surrounding muscles, facilitating a smooth recovery and return to normal activities.
Scapular Dysfunction:
Scapular dysfunction can result in shoulder and mid-back pain and restricted movement. Our skilled therapists at Human Care Physio develop tailored rehabilitation programs to improve scapular stability, restore proper movement patterns, and alleviate symptoms through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and modalities.
Costochondritis (Chest Wall Pain):
Costochondritis can cause chest wall pain and tenderness. Our comprehensive physiotherapy interventions at Human Care Physio focus on reducing inflammation, improving posture, and strengthening the chest and back muscles to alleviate symptoms and improve overall thoracic spine health.
Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid, and Teres Muscle Injuries:
Injuries to the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, and teres muscles can cause pain and dysfunction in the mid-back region. Our specialized treatments at Human Care Physio target muscle tension, improve flexibility, and restore strength through manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities, helping you recover and regain function.