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Foot Conditions

Foot Conditions

Foot Conditions

Foot conditions like plantar fasciitis, heel spur, foot drop, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and fractures can cause pain, discomfort, and limited mobility. Physiotherapy is crucial for managing these conditions, focusing on pain relief, improving foot function, and enhancing overall mobility to support daily activities and prevent further complications.
Plantar Fasciitis:
Plantar fasciitis can lead to heel pain and stiffness. At Human Care Physio, our specialized treatments target reducing inflammation, improving foot biomechanics, and strengthening the muscles supporting the arch through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and modalities, helping you find relief and restore function.
Heel Spur:
Heel spurs can cause sharp pain in the heel area. Our experienced therapists at Human Care Physio develop personalized treatment plans to alleviate pain, improve foot biomechanics, and promote healing through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and modalities, facilitating a smooth recovery and return to normal activities.
Foot Drop:
Foot drop can result in difficulty lifting the foot. Our comprehensive physiotherapy interventions at Human Care Physio focus on strengthening the muscles involved in foot dorsiflexion, improving gait patterns, and facilitating compensatory movements to enhance overall foot function and mobility, ensuring a smooth management of symptoms and improved quality of life.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome:
Tarsal tunnel syndrome can cause tingling and numbness in the foot. Our skilled therapists at Human Care Physio provide specialized treatments to alleviate nerve compression, improve foot biomechanics, and reduce symptoms through targeted exercises, manual therapy techniques, and modalities, helping you find relief and restore function.
Recovering from a foot fracture requires specialized care. Our skilled therapists at Human Care Physio create customized rehabilitation programs to promote bone healing, restore range of motion, and strengthen the muscles and ligaments surrounding the foot, facilitating a smooth recovery and return to normal activities.